El armario (by A.C. Quintero) Unique Word Count 350

El armario (by A.C. Quintero) Unique Word Count 350


You can also check out the companion El armario Student Activities Ebook here.

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Liliana has bitten off more than she can chew and her secret life has spiraled out of control. One can only shove their skeletons into a closet for so long before they begin to march out, one by one. Liliana, however, is far from being the sole keeper of bones: someone has a secret darker than hers. While at a “friend’s” house, Liliana stumbles upon perplexing discoveries…the kind for which people may kill. Time is running out and Liliana must make a decision. For every decision, there is a trail of consequences. Liliana will soon discover that everyone’s closet holds skeletons…but some bones are bigger than others!

Targeted Level:

  • Level 3/4
  • Unique Word Count: 350
  • Total Word Count: 9,600

“You are becoming one of my favorite authors! This weekend I finally got in the mail your book, “El armario.” I’m half way through it and I can’t put it down. I have an EL student (she’s not in any of my classes), but she came to my class in her own time and read “Las apariencias enganan.” Since then, she’s been asking every day when I’m getting volume 2. It gives me so much happiness to see students read because of their own intrinsic motivation.”
-Alina F.


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