EBOOK-Student Activities for El Escape (by A.C. Quintero)

EBOOK-Student Activities for El Escape (by A.C. Quintero)


Level 3
Structures: Preterit/ Imperfect

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With a unique vocabulary of approximately 400 words, sprinkled with 24 illustrations, this high-interest level 3 (or 2nd Semester level 2) novel will have students on the edge of their seats. In addition to a plethora of cognates and grammatical structures recycled throughout the story, this novel also features vocabulary associated with family, relationships, and technology.

Get ready for adventure with a cautionary twist! Federico and his friends have a pretty simple life. They love to play basketball, soccer and go skateboarding at the park. They also love to go to their favorite hangout out, La librería Curioso: the only abandoned building left in town. This space gives them the privacy they need to practice pranks and other hilarious stunts to upload to Youtube. But the night of Friday the 13, their jokes go sour. While shooting the breeze and popping firecrackers, they stumble upon an uncanny situation. In an effort to satisfy their curiosity, they witness something will change their lives forever. Now the boys have to escape the situation, alive.

Targeted Level:

  • Level 3




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